Giøn 0.1.2 A Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) icon set for GNOME Desktop. Please, please do not judge this icon set for its completeness, this is a work in progress which still has a long way to go. For this icon set I've decided not to produce as many icons as I can, instead I want to produce a really high quality theme, which will take a lot of time and effort. On a side note, donations are always welcome. School -and work- are taking alot of time from me which I would love to spend on making icons for the GNU/Linux and GNOME comunities. For more information check the DONATE file included in the icon set package. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 check the COPYING file for a copy of the license. ______________________________________________________________ Have fun!, if you have any questions check the AUTHORS file :)